Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Requirements for a rec-E

In 2 days or less the Summits Africa team is off on safari - rather reminiscent of the early explorers in so far as we have no real idea where we are going, but we've heard that slaves used to be traded along the routes we want to follow.

so that's route planning done then.

Next means of transportation. I always say increase the adventure and choose a steed that has a least some chance of choking to death on poisonous exotic flora or breaking down half way between somewhere and nowhere. I think our 1982 pickup landy should fit the bill nicely.

Provisions! I put the curry powder out last night. We, by we I mean me and the Wailer - not as some might think my missus, but my good friend Emanuel Motta AKA 'wailer', check a photo in case ur still a wonderin, I digress. Ah yes, provisions for an epic 3 week journey: we hear there are tasty beverages to be traded along the way and so I think it's time to go. Next up - what we have forgotten...

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